
The Quartz Hill User Group Committee administers a fund arising from donations received from the sale of equipment subsequent to vacating the Quartz Hill site. Grants may be made to groups pursuing amateur radio high frequency long distance (HF DX) or HF contest activities.

The intention is to retain capital funds in the short term (2012 – 2017) in the hope that it can be used to establish a suitable DX Contest site in the wider Wellington region. During this period, earnings from the capital fund would be distributed in the form of grants to NZ amateur groups involved in DX or contest activities. In the longer term, should an alternative DX Contest site not be found, it is expected that the fund would be run down by ongoing similar distributions.

The group is ultimately subject to the not-for-profit and no-personal-gain provisions associated with its parent bodies: Wellington Amateur Radio Club Inc and New Zealand Association of Transmitters Inc. These bodies may be involved in any determination of final disposals of QHUG funds.


The purpose of the fund is to provide for grants to amateur radio groups – whether clubs or an informal grouping of radio amateurs – who are undertaking DX or Contesting activities. It is not intended to provide assistance to individuals. While up to $2000 may be available in special circumstances, it is not intended that grants from this group should represent a significant portion of an applicant groups’ expected expenses, or be the sole supporter.


Applications can be made at any time on the attached application form.

To be considered for a grant, applicants will need to demonstrate some or all of the following:
1) That they are planning activities that feature either long distance HF DX or HF Contest operations, or related radio activities involving licensed amateur radio operators
2) That such DX communications or Contest activity (including the mounting of DXpeditions within or without NZ) builds the practical DX and Contest operating knowledge and skills of NZ amateur radio operators
3) That the activity develops individual capabilities, competencies, skills and understanding of NZ amateur radio operators with respect to DX operation and/or contesting
Applicants should also give reasoning for why a grant from the Quartz Hill User Group fund is considered to be necessary and appropriate.

Priority will be given to applications for amateur groups within the Wellington Region and to members of the Quartz Hill User Group, but is not restricted to these amateur operators. The group reserves the right to accept, reject or amend any application as it sees fit, and is not bound to give reasons for such actions.

Note that activities should generally be carried out within New Zealand, except where funds are allocated to a New Zealand based group for temporary amateur radio operation outside of New Zealand (a DXpedition).

Grants may be provisionally allocated, in which case the funds must be uplifted and applied within 12 calendar months of such approval. Unspent moneys may not be held beyond this period, but must be returned.

Applications (using the attached form) should be made in the first instance to: Quartz Hill User Group, Box 12-259, Thorndon, Wellington 6144. Informal inquiries should be directed to the QHUG contacts on the website or via WARC Inc / Branch 50 NZART contact officer at the address carried in the NZART Callbook.


Posted by ZL1AXG on February 26, 2013