The log has now grown to the point where uploading the file takes a while!
We have, therefore, split the log into two.
ZL6QH QSL Policy
We reply to all QSL cards received. Those received through the bureau are acknowledged through the bureau with as quick a turnaround as possible. Cards received direct are answered on the day of receipt. Accompanied by one current IRC we reply by economy mail. Accompanied by two or more current IRCs or USDs, we reply by priority (air) mail. (Please ensure that the issuing office date stamps the IRC, otherwise it will not be accepted by NZ Post.) If sending NZ postage stamps w.e.f. 1July 2014 the charge for air mail is $NZ 2.40. Unaccompanied cards are replied to via the bureau. Cards should preferably be accompanied by an addressed envelope, (to ensure that the forwarding address is correct.) Please use a DLE or C-6 sized envelope to avoid us having to fold your card. Direct QSLs should be sent to the address below.
Time expired International Reply Coupons (IRCs) are valueless. So, if sending IRCs when requesting a direct QSL, please ensure that only current IRCs are sent. Otherwise the return card will be sent through the bureau. US currency is acceptable although it is pointed out that $US 1.00 is insufficient for the minimum rate for any class of overseas mail from New Zealand, so your card would be forwarded through the bureau.
DLE envelope - 225 x 114 mm (8.9 x 4.4 in)
C6 envelope - 162 x 114 mm (6.4 x 4.4 in)
Card size - 151 x 110 mm (5.9 x 4.2 in)
We hope that the above information will be helpful, but if there are any other points that you would like to raise, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Ralph Sutton ZL2AOH
12c Herbert Gardens
186 The Terrace
Wellington 6011
New Zealand
Tel: +64-4-473-0847
Fax: +64-4-473-0848