ABOVE: A shot of the 20 metre EU long path beam taken at sunset on Sunday night. I like the contrast with the foreground and the sky makes a nice silhouette of the antenna.
It was a somewhat frustrating weekend for the IBM QSO party at my end. OH2LU, OH5BM and CT1BOL were calling for me but although I was getting strong signals on SP and LP they were hearing nothing from me. The story was the same when trying to work W stations. I made 3 short QSOs to AA6Z (20mtr) AA6Z (15mtr) and W7LZ (20mtr) and both stations reported fading of my signal. In contrast I had a long QSO, 40 plus minutes, with Rodger KM4NS in Del Ray Beach Florida. The time was 0631 UTC and he told me that he had just got out of bed to look for me. Some people have all the luck eh?
73 de Geoff ZL2BDW
Posted by ZL1AZE on April 10, 2006